Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's been a while.

I have neglected this little attempt at releasing some thoughts and drawings like a dog in a car on a hot day with the windows up. Well, maybe I’ve left it open a crack, like I’m not a total absent minder. I’ve been conscientious of the negligence, but still the fact remains I haven’t done much about it so that when I come back to it I find a panting sweaty pissed off pooch that will totally make a mark outside of my bedroom door in retribution. Okay maybe it’s not so much like that. I don’t have a dog, and if I did I wouldn’t leave it in a car on a hot day. One could argue that I also don’t have a car, so the probability of me leaving it in a car that I don’t have is also pretty slim. So I guess that isn’t the most accurate analogy. Maybe it’s more like not calling a friend for awhile, like a long, long while and then when you finally do get around to it so much has transpired in between the last time you chatted that a lot of really good topics kinda get passed over and you end up talking about the weather, which by the way, has been crazy lately. On more than one occasion I have found myself gazing up at the beautiful mammatus cloud formations with a well-deserved amount of wonder, eventually making a connection with their appearance and a forecast of turbulent weather. So as beautiful as they are, I can’t really enjoy them as much as before when they were just something beautiful above my head when I know now it just means I am going to have to walk in the rain again. So yeah, I guess it’s like that, the long time no call thing. It’s easy to get distracted, really easy to get distracted. There’s all this life stuff going on, and then this whole trying to make a living thing and be social and have a relationship and eat healthy food and poop and pee and make food for others and sometimes clean up their poop and pee. The list could go on and on. But they are just excuses, really. And you know what, there’s a dude out there that has got no arms or legs, well he has arms from like the shoulder to the elbow, but still. Does he make excuses? No. In fact he writes books and wrestles and goes on Oprah and everything. So, I’m going to make a change, I’ve done it more than once in my life, some of it even for better. I am going to contribute more to this here Writing and Drawing bloggy thing I created, open up the window, if you will to let things that shouldn’t be left inside all stifled and let them thrive on the outside. Who knows? Maybe I’ll lose steam or get overwhelmed by other things again. But I am going to make more of an attempt. You see that little thingy up there. Yeah, I printed a bunch of those out and cut them into a neat little square to pass around and get my name out there, albeit with a little reservation in the sense that if in fact the receiver does go to my dot and then from the image map menu page clicks their way onto this here Writing and Drawing, what would they have found, a big empty space since November fourth. So, here’s to being ambitious ‘bout productivity.

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